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Honey 50g with smal honey dipper

2.90 €

Suitable for bussines men, restaurants, hotel. Great as a present for the customers.

Bee pollen 950g

50.00 €  48.50 €

Nature's most nutritionally balanced single Super-food.

Bee pollen 1140g

60.00 €  54.00 €

Nature's most nutritionally balanced single Super-food.

Royal jelly 10g Copy

1,000.00 €  800.00 €

Royal jelly 10g

Amphora with bee polen 65g

5.20 €  4.90 €

65g of bee pollen

Bee pollen 68g

6.00 €  5.80 €

Skin mask with bee products 100g

7.50 €  7.00 €

PLEVA 100g