Honey was the favourite sweetener of the Slavs and mead was mentioned in the first written documents about the Slavs...
Honey-picking or picking honey from wild bees on the territory of Slovakia is historically proved from 5th Century by many surnames and preserved names of places.
Bee-keeping developed from honey-picking. It meant replacing tree trunks with colonies of bees closer to people´s dwellings where they were enclosed with fences or sheltered.
From the half of 19th century frame beehives started to be used from which honeycombs were taken out while the bees stayed alive. Various kinds of beehives were built. Some of them were decorated, others had a shape of a figure. Such kinds of beehives can be seen in the museum of bee-keeping in Kráľová pri Senci.
Traditional Slovak mead can be tasted or bought at every historical fair. This “wine of wines” is appreciated not only for its sweet flavour, but also for its favourable effects on the human organism.
Source: http://slovakia.travel/en/bee-keeping-and-honey-picking
This acacia honey is very pale. If it hasn’t been mixed with other floral sources, it will look like liquid glass, very exquisite indeed. It has a mild, sweet, floral flavor, and is, therefore, one of the most popular honey varieties. It is a good choice for mixing with beverages because it sweetens without changing the taste of the drink. It is also an excellent choice for cooking because of its mild flavor and because it mixes easily in liquids and batters. It has hints of vanilla flavor and no aftertaste. Read more about acacia honey HERE. Acacia honey 950g
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Pure honey
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