Health Benefits of Honey

Honey has been used by countless cultures all around the world over the past 2,500 years. While the numerous health benefits of honey have made it an important element of traditional medicines such as Ayurvedic treatments, scientists are also researching the benefits in relation to modern medicine, particularly in the healing of wounds.


It is known as Honig in German, Miele in Italian, Shahad in Hindi, Miel in French and Spanish, Mel in Portuguese, мед in Russian, Honing in Dutch, and μελι in Greek; there is almost no part in the world where honey is not widely used and celebrated as a part of the cultural diet.

But what makes honey so popular? Most likely, it is the ease with which it can be consumed. One can eat it directly, put it on bread like a jam, mix it with juice or any drink instead of sugar, or mix it with warm water, lime juice, cinnamon and other herbs to make a medicine. It is savored by all due to its taste as well as health benefits, making it extremely useful and versatile.


Health Benefits of Honey

Its benefits include the following treatments, taken from both traditional and modern medical experts.

Sweetener: It can be used as a substitute for sugar in many food and drinks. It contains about 69% glucose and fructose, enabling it to be used as a sweetener that is better for your overall health than normal white sugar.

Weight Loss: Though it has more calories than sugar when honey is consumed with warm water, it helps in digesting the fat stored in your body. Similarly, honey with lemon juice or cinnamon help in reducing weight.

Energy Source: According to the USDA, honey contains about 64 calories per tablespoon. Therefore, it is used by many people as a source of energy. On the other hand, one tablespoon of sugar will give you about 15 calories. Furthermore, the carbohydrates in it can be easily converted into glucose by even the most sensitive stomachs, since it is very easy for the body to digest this pure, natural substance.

Improving Athletic Performance: Recent research has shown that honey is an excellent ergogenic aid and helps in boosting the performance of athletes. It is a great way to maintain blood sugar levels, muscle recuperation, and glycogen restoration after a workout, as well as regulating the amount of insulin in the body, as well as energy expenditure.

Source of Vitamins and Minerals: It contains a variety of vitamins and minerals. The type of vitamins and minerals and their quantity depends on the type of flowers used for apiculture. Commonly, honey contains Vitamin C, Calcium and Iron. If you check the vitamin and mineral content in regular sugar from any other source, you will find it to be completely absent or insignificant.

Antibacterial and Antifungal Properties: It has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, so it is often used as a natural antiseptic in traditional medicines.

Antioxidants: It contains nutraceuticals, which are very effective for the removal of free radicals from the body. As a result, our body immunity is improved against many conditions, even potentially fatal ones like cancer or heart disease.

Skin Care with Milk and Honey: Milk and honey are often served together, since both of these ingredients help in creating smooth, beautiful skin. Consuming this combination every morning is a common practice in many countries for this very reason.

Honey in Wound Management:  Significant research is being carried out to study its benefits in the treatment of wounds and the Nursing Standard explains some of these benefits in wound management in the document. These have been listed below:

Honey possesses antimicrobial properties.
It helps in promoting autolytic debridement.
It deodorizes malodorous wounds.
It speeds up the healing process by stimulating wound tissues.
It helps in initiating the healing process in dormant wounds.
It also helps in promoting moist wound healing.

These healing powers are not overstated. The Waikato Honey Research Unit provides details about the world-wide research that is being carried out on the benefits of honey in medicine. Furthermore, BBC reported in July of 2006 that doctors at the Christie Hospital in Didsbury, Manchester are planning to use honey for faster recovery of cancer patients after surgery. Such research will provide scientific evidence for the so-called “beliefs” held by honey lovers all over the world and will help in propagating the benefits to more people.

Now that you know the benefits of honey, how do you eat it? You can eat it raw, add it to water or different beverages and you can also add it to several recipes.

Factors Governing the Benefits of Honey

The benefits of honey that we get greatly depend on its quality. Not all of it is created equally, so quality is different, and subsequently, the various types do necessarily provide the same benefits.

Both the price and the health benefits of honey are dependent on its quality, so it has become very important for both the manufacturers and consumers to understand the various factors that affect the quality of honey. Some of these factors include the type of flowers used in the formation of the honeycombs, the blending process, storage conditions, temperature of heating, and many more. These factors have been explained in more detail below:

Type of flowers: According to the Honey Research Center at the University of Waikato, New Zealand, there is not enough evidence to draw conclusions on the properties of honey, especially the antimicrobial properties, based on the type of flowers used for its production. However, extensive research has been carried out on the honeydew variety obtained from the conifer forests in the central European mountains and the manuka variety obtained from New Zealand. The above mentioned honeydew kind has been found to have high microbial activity while manuka kind has been found to have high non-peroxide activity.

Blending: It is also believed that polyfloral honey (which is obtained from more than one flower) provides more benefits than monofloral. Hence many companies sell blended honey as it offers the benefits from a variety and is therefore considered to be healthier than non-blended.

Storage: When stored for a long duration, honey becomes darker in color. It loses some of its properties and may also ferment if the water content is too high. Therefore, prolonged storage should be avoided, while newly harvested honey is almost always preferred.

Heating: Heating honey leads to drastic changes in its chemical composition. As a result, heating to high temperatures reduces its benefits. It is no wonder many people prefer raw or organic or raw organic honey. While raw by definition signifies less processing (and no heating), organic honey is prepared using stringent organic production methods and processing standards, in which heating to high temperatures is not allowed.

Water Content: Honey can also undergo fermentation. If the water content is high (above 19%), the chances of it becoming fermented are high. You can measure the water content using a refractometer. Furthermore, freely flowing honey either contains higher water content or has been heated to disturb the natural crystallization process, thereby reducing the benefits it will confer to you.

Color: The color is a very useful tool to judge its quality. Light colored honey is more valued than dark colored as the former has a delicate flavor. It becomes darker upon storage and heating.

Filtration: Most of the benefits are due to the presence of the pollen within the honey. Without the pollen, honey is a glucose-fructose solution, and is just as bad for you as sugar. Unfortunately, companies market the transparent clear product as good quality, while in reality, ultra-filtered honey does not have many health benefits at all. That being said, you should be very cautious while consuming pollen-rich honey. If you have pollen allergy, avoid consuming it.


Acacia honey 950g


12.00 €

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This acacia honey is very pale.  If it hasn’t been mixed with other floral sources, it will look like liquid glass, very exquisite indeed. It has a mild, sweet, floral flavor, and is, therefore, one of the most popular honey varieties. It is a good choice for mixing with beverages because it sweetens without changing the taste of the drink. It is also an excellent choice for cooking because of its mild flavor and because it mixes easily in liquids and batters. It has hints of vanilla flavor and no aftertaste. Read more about acacia honey HERE.


Slovenský výrobok
MEDAREN Pure honey
Tomino on 10-11-2014 08:53 PM
Výborný a ľahodný agátový med. Ďakujeme. Anka a Tomáš :)
Andrej Holečka on 18-02-2015 04:59 PM
Veľmi kvalitný medík, teda aspoň ako laikovi sa tak zdá. Úžasná chuť. Určite neporovnateľne lepší, ako tie medy z hypermarketov!!!
Markéta Osvald on 01-11-2016 05:27 AM
Úžasný medík, blahoželáme k tretiemu miestu na súťaži medov!
Petr Belobrad on 26-02-2017 06:22 AM
Agátový med kupujeme na vašej farme každý rok, mo musím povedať, že tento z roku 2016 je naozaj úžasný, lahodný, jemný. Agátovému medu od vás je verná celá naša rodina :)
Juraj Vaverka on 13-03-2017 08:30 PM
Prvý kráť v živote som si objednal med cez internet a toto je moje prvé hodnotenie. Konzistencia a chuť tohto agátového medu je úžasná. Neviem to ani poriadne popísať. Tento med proste treba vyskúšať :)
Juraj Kopačka, Nitra on 04-02-2018 03:29 PM
Úžasný med! Nečudujem sa, že ste s ním vyhrali bronzovú medailu na medzinárodnej súťaži. Držíme vám aj naďalej palce!
Jana Vaškovičová on 14-06-2018 03:09 PM
Neuveriteľne ľahodná chuť, úžasný agátový med...ďakujem pekne, určite si objednám opäť...
Gizela Michalanska on 08-10-2018 07:56 PM
Agátový med som si kupila už viackrát.
Medik je výborný , veľmi chutný a kvalitný .
Odporúčam vyskúšať .
Janka Vašková on 21-10-2018 05:44 PM
Nečudujem sa, že s týmto medom vyhrávate v zahraničí rôzne medaile. Je úžasný :)